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The ArchiCAD webring FAQ
updated 2002-03-27 14:17 CET:

What is the ArchiCAD webring:
A loose association of websites about ArchiCAD

Who can be a member:
Anyone with an ArchiCAD website.

Are there any rules:
Sure. Check out

What about this f*#§$ng navigationbar?
Every member site has to have a navigation bar. Otherwise users of the ring would end up in dead ends. You can get the standard nav bar when you log into


If you don't like the design, you can do another one. Check this page for an example.

Sites without a navigation bar are automatically suspended from the ring. No dead ends allowed. No exceptions, sorry. This is an automat doing it, I could change it back manually, but the change would be overruled next friday. Just add this nav bar, buddy!

More info:

I have such an nice graphic entry page! I don't want the bar.

Consider linking to a different page in your site and adding the navigation bar there. You only need to have the nav bar on the page the webring enters you site.

I know of another site ....
Please contact the webmaster of that site and convince him to join the ring. I cannot add sites to the ring myself!

You are an arrogant master-of-the-ring
If you think so, well. I try not to be. Any site covering at least some ArchiCAD can join.

I have another question
Please ask and I will try to answer and add to this list.

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